Emerging Team Grants

NCR’s goal is to grow collegiate rugby and support our teams to create well-run, sustainable clubs that compete in both 15s and 7s rugby. The Emerging Team Grants provide new and early-stage clubs with fee discounts that enable greater investment in recruiting, equipment and general club administration. 

The application deadline is October 1, 2024. NCR will provide the Emerging Team Grant to up to 50 teams per year. Depending on the demand during the Fall season, NCR may reopen the application process during the Spring season.

The grants are awarded as a 50% discount on both the club and player registration fees as follows:

Standard Fees
Grantee Fees

To be eligible for the grant, a team must be:

  • in its first or second season (or re-forming after a three-year hiatus), OR
  • Playing in a developmental or challenge league while building towards a full 15s roster

In addition, the team must have:

  • Had 14 or fewer registered players in the previous 23-24 season; and
  • Been a team in good standing and met all registration requirements (or received a waiver).

apply now

Grants will be awarded based on criteria set by NCR. Grants are not necessarily monetary-need based. All teams are considered regardless of the amount of funding provided by their universities.

Teams must adhere to the terms of the grant including attendance at two (one per season minimum) training sessions provided by NCR's Growth and Development Director, registering a coach within two weeks of grant approval and providing an end-of-year progress report to NCR.

In addition, teams awarded the grant must have an eligible coach registered with NCR by October 1, 2024 or risk losing the grant.

All questions and inquiries about this program should be sent to NCR's Growth and Development Director, Christine Varga - christine@ncr.rugby.